Through years of working closely with creators, we've discovered seven distinct reasons why we are driven to create—joy, calm, connection, energy, growth, expression, and renewal. We call these the creative intentions.

Step one of the Create Room Journey can help you identify your core creative intention, but you will likely crave to fulfill each of the creative intentions at different times, depending on what you feel you need.
To help us each learn how to be more intentional in our creative activities, we invite you to join us each month as we focus on a specific creative intention. Subscribe to our email list in order to be notified of the intention of the month!
Create Room For Growth

This month our community is focused on finding growth. Take a moment to think back on creative experiences that helped you grow. Maybe it was exploring a new craft or taking on a difficult project. Whatever it is, how will you carve out time for more of that this month?
Or, if you're drawing a blank, we invite you to spend some time this month exploring creative activities that help you grow!
Growth Inspiration
Sometimes, it can be difficult to remember your intentions amidst a busy schedule. To stay tuned into your intention on the go, we've created growth themed wallpapers and a music playlist for consistent reminders of your commitment to focus on growth throughout the rest of this month.
If you'd like something to print out for your wall or your DreamBox, click below to download our poster pdfs.

We've handpicked some of our favorite songs that inspire us to rise to the challenge. Go ahead and tune into this playlist as you create room for growth!
We're all busy and it's easy to forget. Click on an image below (or hold down if you're on a phone!) to download one of our growth themed phone wallpapers and set it as your home or lock screen as a consistent reminder of your commitment to focus on personal growth this month!
For most regular sized screens, download our smaller wallpaper below. (If you own a larger phone, keep scrolling down further for our specially-sized wallpapers.)
For larger sized phones, download our special sized wallpaper here: