In the hustle and bustle of a daily routine, finding balance and organization can often be difficult. For Corinne Burghardt, a stay-at-home mom juggling various crafting hobbies, her struggle was all too real. She shared her experience: "I found myself drowning in clutter, not having any kind of system or routine our system in place. It just really wreaked havoc on my everyday stresses, our kids' lives, and even our marriage."
However, a solution emerged in the form of the DreamBox, a storage and organization system that would not only transform her crafting space but also have a profound impact on her family. "When I saw the DreamBox, I thought, 'I have to have that, that's going to be perfect for what I need. That would answer all of my problems with all of my different crafting.' I've got sewing, embroidery, Cricut, felt, and paper," Corinne explained.
After purchasing the DreamBox and filling it up with supplies, the transformation was noticeable, and not only to Corinne. Her husband, Chris, remarked: "It's a reflection of her 100% percent. This is her personality. Everything in here, from the colors, to the way it's set up, and the functionality, it's all her. To come into a space that's all her and to see her light up, that's been the biggest change and I appreciate that more than anything."

In the end, the DreamBox became more than just an organizational tool; it became a way to channel positivity and growth in the Burghardts' daily lifestyle. "It just made sense, taking away the chaos and the stress. It allowed us to get closer and for her to grow. Probably the single best choice for a product that contributes to what you're doing," Chris said.
Corinne's journey, from drowning in clutter to creating in a well-organized crafting haven, shows just how transformative the design and practical solution of the DreamBox can be for a creator. The DreamBox brought not only clarity to her creative space but it also contributed to a happier, more positive lifestyle for her and her family.
If you'd like to see more of Corinne, take a look at her website or follow her on Instagram @slayathomemother.